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    AnnikaBengtzon is working as a summerintern at the newspaper Kv¤llspressen.Assigned to screening crank phone calls onthe tip line in hopes ofgetting an occasional valid news break, Annika receivesan anonymous tipabout the nude corpse of a young girl in a public park. The girlhasbeen raped and killed. Annika provides a strong story that earns heraccoladesfrom her boss.As the plot develops, the focus of theinvestigation shifts fromthe victim’s lover, the owner of the upscalesex club where she worked, to animportant government minister who keepsa secret apartment near the park. Delvinginto the bureaucrat’s alibi,Annika discovers that he is somehow involved in thecover up of thereappearance of a missing archive that could shake the foundationof theruling Social Democrats, concerning an illegal espionage operationlongsince disbanded.ver up of thereappearance of a missing archive that could shake the foundationof theruling Social Democrats, concerning an illegal espionage operationlongsince disbanded.


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